Although you complain about your boss from time to time, you know they work hard. When the season of giving rolls around, it’s important to give a gift that sets you apart from your coworkers but still does not scream “suck up”. Here, we have compiled a list of practical and edible gifts that your boss will actually use. Who knows? maybe these gifts will factor in your end of the year performance review (no promises!).

Snack Basket

Who doesn’t love a good snack basket? There are many different snack baskets to choose from that offer healthy snacks for the boss who is glued to their desk and does not have the time for a full meal. Snack baskets are often customizable and complete with treats that are gluten-free and non-GMO There are often vegan choices as well!

Meal Subscription

Did we mention bosses are busy? take necessary food prep out of their evening routine while still ensuring they eat healthy and quality meals. Not only are meal subscriptions delicious, but they also contain nutrients because they use fresh ingredients. If your boss has a bad mood on occasion, it could be due to stress and poor nutrition. Taking care of your boss by alleviating meal prep may improve the overall work environment!

Coffee Kit

Every boss loves a good coffee mug. Fill the mug with quality coffee beans and different flavors for mix-ins. If your boss is not a fan of coffee, there are also amazing teas to choose from that promote holistic wellness.

Wine and Cheese

If your boss enjoys the finer things in life, wine and cheese are a delicious and upscale way to celebrate your boss during the season of giving. Pick from glorious upscale European cheeses and find a wine that perfectly complements them while catering to your boss’s taste. Additionally, you can purchase a custom etched wine glass with an inspirational message to push this gift over the edge.

Cocktail Kit

Does your boss invite the office to happy hour on occasion? Do they like their martinis shaken, not stirred? Then, a cocktail kit may be just the ticket to lift your boss’s spirits! Pick from a set of delicious cocktails and the ingredients, mixers, and instructions will be sent right to their door.

We hope that with these gourmet boss gift options, your boss will be impressed enough to give you a little extra vacation time or even a raise! Let us know if you had success with any of these ideas or if you have gift ideas of your own that wowed your boss and the entire office.




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